A Good Catch vs A Fist Full of Air

Proverbs 12:27 – Lazy people don’t even cook the game they catch,  but the diligent make use of everything they find.

Most of us in the Caribbean have experienced the sport cricket in some way or the other. Almost all of us have watched and cheered for our side but many of those games would have ended in disappointment. If you are like me, your cricket playing experience never made it to the regional or international fields, but I can boast of having scored three half centuries in backyard tape ball cricket.

One aspect of the game I never mastered though was fielding. My ball chase and return was embarrassing. My most anxious moment however, was when the ball was hit in the air towards me. In that moment, once I could rise above my nerves, keep my eyes on the ball, position my hands properly and let my fingers hug the ball firmly, then I would be a hero (yaah!). In reality however, I did none of those things, and dropped or missed the ball and only collected a fist full of air amidst the disappointment of my teammates.

I am determined not to apply my catching skills (or lack thereof) to my approach with fasting. Many people fast because it is what is happening in the church. Many people fast because they were told to and many people fast just because it is healthy. In reality, they only reap a fist full of air. Even when we fast with our church there must be a focus, a plan or strategy and an expectation. You must catch the ball! Fasting is not “a christian thing to do”, it is how we warfare and transform situations. Fasting is the offering up of our bodies to God, it is our communicating and communion with the Father. Fasting must be done with purpose!

When Ester fasted (Ester 4:16) she did it to find favour with the king and intercede for God’s people. David fasted to save his son’s life (2 Samuel 12:16), Daniel fasted to seek answers from God (Daniel 9:3) and Jesus fasted at the start of His ministry (Matthew 4:1-17). Why are you fasting? If this is your diet, then you have  already dropped the ball. If you don’t know why you are fasting, then you are grasping air. 

However, if you are seeking a deeper walk with Christ, and breaking strongholds, if you are rebuilding what the enemy tore down, then, great catch!

Read: Matthew 4:1-17

Bible Reading Guide: Proverbs 2:12-22; Matthew 14:1-21; Genesis 40; Genesis 41:1-40

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